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Special Education

Special Education Services

All children are entitled to educational opportunities consistent with their ability to learn. 

The teamwork of our staff of dedicated professionals combined with the support of our community equals positive outcomes for our students.

We recognize and encourage parent participation. It is an essential and vital element of the total education process. Together, parents and the school form a team to determine quality services for these exceptional children. We encourage parents to participate in ARD meetings, ask questions, and work closely with their child’s teacher and school. 

The federal law (IDEA) uses the below terms to define a “child with a disability”. Individuals qualify for special education services when they have one or more of the following disabilities, according to state and federal guidelines:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-blindness
  • Deafness
  • Emotional disturbance
  • A hearing impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • An orthopedic impairment
  • Other health impairment
  • A specific learning disability
  • A speech or language impairment
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • A visual impairment including blindness
  • Multiple disabilities

Special Education resources

Admission, review and dismissal (ARD Guide) process

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An admission, review and dismissal (ARD)
committee determines a child’s eligibility for special

education services and makes most of the major decisions about the child’s special education

placement and the services needed. If an ARD committee is formed for your child, you will be a

member of that committee.

Learn more about the ARD process and your rights and responsibilities in this document created

by the statewide leadership for The Legal Framework project team and the Texas Education Agency(TEA).

Notice of procedural safeguards

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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides certain rights
to the parents of children with disabilities. This document created by the
Texas Education Agency (TEA)provides a full explanation of the the procedural
safeguards available under IDEA.

If you have any questions about the information in the ARD Guide or Notice of Procedural Safeguards or need someone to explain it to you, reach out to one of the local special education contacts listed below.

Dave West                                                              Region 10 Education Services Center

Director of Special Education Services              Dr. Pamela Baker

Tel: (214) 628-9128                                              Program Coordinator-Special Populations

Email: (214) 628-9124                                         Tel: (972)348-1654

Email: [email protected]                           Email: [email protected]

Spedtex, Special Education Information Center


The full set of special education rules and regulations are available here:

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Texas Transition and Employment Guide

The resources below have been created by the Student-Centered Transitions Network (SCTN) to assist educators and families with implementing quality transition services for students with disabilities.. 

SB 139 Notice to Families

IDA, Dyslexia, MTSS, and Section 504

The documents linked here have been created as general resources for families on the topics listed below:



Compensatory Services

Compensatory services are used to help students make up forprogress or skills they lost when their special education services were not provided. This includes situations where a child does not get special education services because he or she was denied a timely initial evaluation, but later found eligible.

If an initial evaluation was denied when it should not have been, compensatory services may be needed to make up for the delay in your child getting special education services.


Helpful Websites

Parent Resources

Parent Coordination SHOUT OUT!Texas Education AgencyDelayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services. English.  Spanish.

The Legal Framework

The Texas Education Agency and Region 18 Education Service Center partnered to provide a compilation of state and federal requirements for special education organized by topic.

Texas Project FIRST

Families, Information, Resources, Support & Training
Created by parents for parents, this website is designed to make it easy to find Texas Education Agency (TEA) information and resources specific to students with disabilities and their families.

Special Education in Texas A-Z Index

An index of Special Education related terms with links to appropriate information on The Texas Education Agency website.

Region 10 ESC

Region 10 Education Service Center, located in Richardson, provides school districts and charter schools in the northeast Texas area with professional development, programs, and services
designed to improve student achievement and school district efficiency.